In recent years, the procedure for distributing bid information to vendors has gone from direct mailing to using our web page; we no longer mail bid packets. In September, the initial advertisement of bid is e-mailed to vendors who have participated in the past; they are directed to obtain the bid information on our web page. A public announcement is also printed in our local newspaper the Star Gazette’s legal section. The date for the Chemicals and Gravel, Stone and Sand bid opening is Tuesday, October 15, and Material bid is on Wednesday October 16, 2024.
Bidders will find the specifications, bid sheets, and required documentation under this section’s web page. Instructions on mailing bids and the bid opening date and time are also provided. To help you in your bid preparation, we provide the bid results from the most recent bid opening. Please be aware that any bid arriving after the official time posted (1:30 PM) cannot be opened and will be returned to the bidder.
To navigate through this page click on the item you are interested in. The pertinent information for that item will be shown. Bidders having questions on the bid procedures can contact the Elmira Water Board’s Executive Secretary at 607-526-5144.
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