Toilet leaks are the #1 type of residential leak, resulting in higher water bills. If you suspect that you may have a toilet leak you can contact our office & we will provide you with dye tablets & further information/instructions that could assist in detecting possible leaks. Please note that the Water Board may offer a one-time adjustme
Toilet leaks are the #1 type of residential leak, resulting in higher water bills. If you suspect that you may have a toilet leak you can contact our office & we will provide you with dye tablets & further information/instructions that could assist in detecting possible leaks. Please note that the Water Board may offer a one-time adjustment for an internal plumbing issue that resulted in a high bill. Contact customer service to obtain more information & find out if you are eligible.
The Elmira Water Board is responsible for the water line connecting the main in the street to the curb stop (main to curb). All meters, meter connections & remote read devices will be maintained by, and at the expense of, the Board as far as ordinary wear and tear are concerned.
The customer is responsible for the service line from the curb stop into the house and all valving & piping inside the home. The customer will be responsible for any damage to the meter due to freezing, hot water, or other external causes. In the event of such damage, the customer will be responsible for the cost of the meter’s repair or replacement in accordance with the fee schedule.