Since 1889 the primary source of water for the Water Board has been the Chemung River. In 2022 63% of our raw water came from the river. Wellfields, Foster Island #40 and #41 contributed 21% and Hudson Street #1A, contributed 15% of 2022's source water. The very first source of water for the Water Board (circa 1872) was the Hoffman Reservoir. This source is now used on a standby basis, providing 1% of our raw water in 2022.
Instead of using any one source alone, all raw (untreated) water from the river, wells, and reservoir are blended to provide a better product. We treat the blended water by adding poly aluminum chloride, which causes natural contaminants like silt and germs to coagulate and settle out before filtration. We add chlorine to destroy any viruses, bacteria or organisms that may survive the settling process. We add fluoride for dental health, then add caustic soda and phosphate to help prevent corrosion of household plumbing.
Below you'll find our 2022 Filter Plant Entry Point Reports and our Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) Reports:
Our Annual Water Quality Report can be found clicking here.